
The blog took a few months to get off the ground. The main holdup was the name. Everything that you can possibly think of was taken. Various combinations of  FoodThis.com and FoodThat.com were either parked, defunct, or still in use. I had to go more abstract. One day, as I was driving the kids to school, I asked them to suggest some names. Jacob (7) came up with a few good ones like “MayTheFoodBeWithYou” but that was a bit long. Or “It’sRainingBread” but I didn’t like having the apostrophe in the title. Nor did I want the blog to contain my name, or our family’s name. Emma (13) came up with “OutOfTheFryingPan” which unfortunately for me, was already taken. Zachary (5) just agreed with everything.

I’ve been asking friends and family for the past few months with names.

One day night late night I was browsing Tastespotting.com, which I do frequently, to help inspire names. I came across FirstLookThenCook.com and read Dawn’s About page, and for some reason, the similar story just put my mind into overdrive. WrinkledNapkin.com is what I came up with, ran it by my wife, and she liked it. So here it is. Day 1.

Why Wrinkled Napkin? Well, we use cloth napkins every day. In fact, I’m not sure we even have paper napkins in our house anymore. We’ve been using cloth napkins for several years now, and once they are clean, they get shoved into an ice cream bucket that sits by the table.

One particular food blog that got me rolling in the right direction and motivated me to start my food blog is PinchOfYum.com. Lindsay and Bjork’s candidness about what and how they do it is great. Bjork details how much traffic comes from which sources, what their income is from and where it is going, etc.  I plan on doing the same… showing people the how-to’s and the what-not’s. So stay tuned.

The main reason for the food blog, though, is to photograph the food, then eat it. I am a photographer, MinneapolisVirtualTour.com, just not a food photographer. I plan on learning more about food photography through experimentation trial and error, for now,


My blog was WrinkledNapkin.com for a while, now it’s TechieFather.com. I felt that I wanted to share more than just food. I wanted to include other aspects of my life, namely technology stuff, photography stuff, and the like. So now here it is. TechieFather.com will be the site moving forward.

I’ve also incorporated my original house blog ForTheLoveOfHouses.com into here. Those posts have been rolled into this blog.

Live Long and Prosper!

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