The problem:
When I go to a bright screen (such as a webpage with mostly white), the screen is bright. When I go to a page that has mostly gray, the screen dims. When I go to a very dark page, it dims more.I can go to a webpage that has white on the top, and black on the bottom 2/3 and scroll and the brightness and/or contrast will change dynamically on the one website.
Why I don’t like it:
I have tried everything to get the auto-brightness thing to turn off. As a photographer, I really hate that the screen changes brightness and contrast automatically. I want the screen to display at a fixed brightness and contrast. If I need to change it, I’ll change it myself. I want the brightness to stay the same so that I can evaluate photographs for the brightness content within them. If I swap between a dark photo and a bright photo, the screen will get brighter. I hate it. Apparently many other people also hate this auto brightness/contrast.
What I’ve tried:
The basics have long ago been implemented.
Customize Power Plan
Change Plan Settings – Change Advanced Plan Settings – Display – Enable Adaptive Brightness : Battery – OFF, Plugged in – OFF
I’ve changed this for all my power plans.
Turn off Adaptive Brightness Service. I do not have this service listed.
Sensor Monitoring Service. This is disabled.
BIOS Light Sensor: I do not have any settings for this
BIOS Adaptive Brightness: I do not have any settings for this
NVidia Control Panel: Dynamic Contrasts Enhancement (not checked)
Nvidia Power Managment Mode: Maximum Performance
Intel Control Panel: My computer is not switching between Intel and Nvidia
Adjust my screen brightness automatically. I do not have this setting, so my computer does not have an ambient light sensor.
Load New NVidia Driver (again)
I just loaded Video_Driver_X9T7N_WN32_9.18.13.4752_A11.EXE, which is dated April 8, 2015. I did a full clean install of this driver and it has so far worked.