Category Archives: Resources

Analytics Part 4

Keyword Report: This is one of the most important reports! This report will tell you what people searched for on google (and other search engines) that drove them to your site. In this case, Scott had 370 visits from search engines. From this list you can see that: 177 people searched for “scott hargis” 64… Continue Reading

Analytics Part 3

Referring sites means that Scott posted something at another site, or was mentioned at another site and had a link back to his main website. Clicking on referring sites brings us to this page. Here we see that he had 161 visits from, 159 visits from his blog, 81 from the and… Continue Reading

Analytics Part 2

Clicking on the map will show where people came from to your website. The first map will be of the world (03a). In this case, Scott had 794 visitors from the USA, 106 from Canada, and less in other countries. You can also see that the people from Canada spent 2x as much time on… Continue Reading

Analytics Part 1

Google analytics is a very powerful tool in analyzing your website. It can give much insight as to how people got to your site, as well as what they viewed. The analysis of analytics that appears below was written in June 2010, but it still applies today. I took a look at a friend’s google… Continue Reading

Starting Your Own Blog Part 9: WordPress Posts and Categories

Categories When posting blog entries, you should organize them into categories. WordPress allows you to create categories and sub-categories. These categories can be added to a sidebar, or a menu. Take a look at my “Recipes” menu, and you’ll see subcategories of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, etc. When I enter each recipe, I select the appropriate… Continue Reading

Starting Your Own Blog Part 5: WordPress Themes

WordPress Themes: There are thousands of free themes for wordpress out there. You can go to the “Appearance” tab and click on “Themes”. From there, you can “Install Themes” and browse for new ones. I would, however, recommend going a different route. I recommend using one of the custom themes below because they give you… Continue Reading